Как прошить биос в hive os
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Как прошить биос в hive os

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How to flash a video card in Hiveon OS quickly

How can you increase the hashrate of a video card or GPU rig? One option is to adjust the GPU settings that can affect the hashrate. This can be done by flashing the video card. Also, besides a faster mining speed, flashing can help to reduce power consumption, so that you will spend less on electricity bills (this is especially important if you are the owner of a large farm). This article will tell you how Hiveon OS flash video cards and improve their performance.

What is a GPU BIOS flash?

Reflashing the BIOS involves replacing the video card software with a different one. When done correctly, it can improve the mining performance of the graphics card. Remember to save your original BIOS before changing it, so that you can revert to your original BIOS if something goes wrong. It’s easy to flash a video card BIOS in Hiveon OS. Just follow the steps below and be aware of the risks involved.

Why should I flash VBIOS?

Flashing your graphics card may be beneficial on select models. These include increased hashrate and/or reduced power consumption. For AMD Polaris Cards (RX 470-580), Navi 10 (RX 5600XT/5700/5700XT) you can modify the BIOS the way you want with tools like Polaris BIOS Editor or Red BIOS Editor. For other cards, on the other hand, this is not possible, so if you want to change BIOS, load some existing, official BIOS from some graphics card manufacturer, compatible with your GPU. Flashing the BIOS has a higher risk, so be very careful. Making a mistake sometimes may even lead to permanent damage to your graphics card. GPU BIOS flash does not always have to be about uploading a different graphics card’s BIOS. Sometimes manufacturers may release newer, updated BIOS for a GPU years after the product launch.

How to flash the AMD cards in Hiveon OS


Step 1: log in to your Hiveon OS account.

Step 2: select the required farm, and the required worker, and then move to the Overclocking tab.


Step 3: click the Download VBIOS button.

Step 4: specify from which video card you want to download it.

Step 5: VBIOS will appear as a message. Be sure to save the original VBIOS from the cards in case you need to roll back.

Step 6: launch the Polaris BIOS Editor program (it is available in both paid and free versions).

Step 7: open VBIOS with the help of Polaris BIOS Editor. In the paid version, your screen will look something like this:


And here is the free version:


Step 8: click the One click timing patch button in the lower right corner. Then click Yes.

Step 9: save VBIOS.

Step 10: go back to the Overclocking tab and click the Flash VBIOS button:


Step 11: select the VBIOS file, select the card that you are going to flash and click the Flash VBIOS button.

How to flash the NVIDIA cards in Hiveon OS

flashingvideocardsTo flash the NVIDIA cards you will need a newer VBIOS:

Step 1: log in to your Hiveon OS account.

Step 2: select the required farm, and the required worker, and then move to the Overclocking tab.

Step 3: click the Download VBIOS button.

Step 4: specify from which video card you want to download it.

Step 5: after VBIOS was downloaded, go back to Hiveon OS and move to the worker, which video card you want to flash.

Step 6: go back to the Overclocking tab and click the Flash VBIOS button:

Step 7: select the VBIOS file, select the card that you are going to flash, and click the Flash VBIOS button.

As an option, you can download a newer VBIOS here.

Attention! ALWAYS save the original VBIOS.

So now you know how to flash video cards. But remember that you need to do this very carefully, following the instructions described above. You are flashing video cards at your own risk!

In case you have any doubts or questions — get in touch with us. We are always ready to advise you on how to avoid problems when flashing.

Mine profitably with Hiveon OS!

How to flash VBIOS?

Hiveon OS flash bios video card. How? Hiveon OS allows you to flash VBIOS of your video card in the user panel on your farm page. To easily change the VBIOS of your GPU in the Hiveon OS panel, download your current VBIOS in the Overclocking tab. Once you modify it (or find the desired VBIOS), click the Flash VBIOS button and select the VBIOS you want to upload.

What is VBIOS?

VBIOS (Video card BIOS) is a video card software, which initializes the video card at boot time and describes the set of instructions that the video card can execute. It handles core and memory clocking, fan speed, and voltage selection, among other things. It is stored in the graphics card’s memory, not on the user’s computer, unlike graphics drivers.

What is VBIOS flash?

VBIOS flash is the process of replacing the VBIOS of a graphics card. In cryptocurrency mining, this can lead to benefits such as increased hashrate and lower power consumption. Unfortunately, nowadays both NVIDIA and AMD digitally sign the VBIOS of their graphics cards, making it impossible to modify them. However, it is still often possible to change to another manufacturer’s VBIOS or, if available, to update the current one.

HiveOS Прошивка\скачивание bios карт nvidia.

основная задача — сохранить биос с карты nvidia, которая не определяется на windows, но работает на linux. не выпаивая флешку биоса!
вторая задача — просто обновить биосы картам 1080ti.

Свой человек
  • 14 Апр 2019
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Свой человек
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Свой человек
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Великий мудрец
  • 14 Апр 2019
  • #15

Чтобы nvflash работал под линуксом, нужно временно отключить часть модулей. После прошивки сразу перезагружаемся.

Свой человек
  • 14 Апр 2019
  • #16

Чтобы nvflash работал под линуксом, нужно временно отключить часть модулей. После прошивки сразу перезагружаемся.

Великий мудрец
  • 14 Апр 2019
  • #17
Друг форума
  • 14 Апр 2019
  • #18

Очень скоро будет.
Все средства для этого уже разработаны и включены в HiveOS. В данный момент готовится обновление веб-интерфейса в котором будут инструменты для дампа/прошивки "зеленых" карт.

ps: хочу напомнить, что прошивка зеленых карт несравнимо более рискованный процесс, чем прошивка красных. И если карты AMD после неудачной/некорректной прошивки, чаще всего можно восстановить самостоятельно. То при некорректной прошивке Nvidia (например дампом от другого типа карт), восстановить такую карту можно будет только в сервисном центре (и то не в каждом). Однако инструменты для этого будут очень скоро. А уж пользоваться или нет — это на свой страх и риск.

Друг форума
  • 14 Апр 2019
  • #19
Местный житель
  • 14 Апр 2019
  • #20

враки все. убить зелень можно только биосом от HOFа. все остально посрано. загрузчик нетрогается вабще, лей что хочеш, работать будет есно не все.
возможны фиерические эффекты, но карту убить не риально. родной биос всегда можно загрузить если не лить HOF.
если у вас хватило мозгов влить биос от HOFа, тогда сервис и выпайка микрухи.

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