Как запустить amd radeon software
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Как запустить amd radeon software

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How to Fix AMD Radeon Software Not Opening (2023)

AMD Radeon Software allows you to control basically everything about your graphics card. But after several iterations, AMD programs are still showing issues on Windows, and the most common one is AMD Radeon Software not opening.

But don’t worry if you’re having the same issue. Here we’ve gathered some fixes that have worked for many gamers. Try them and get your Radeon Software working in a jiff.

Try these fixes

You might not need to try all of them. Simply go down the list until you find the one that does the charm.

Fix 1: Check for system updates

A large part of users facing this issue have recently updated their system. Since you can’t stop Windows from updating, you can check for updates manually and see if there’s a newer patch targeting the Radeon Software issue.

Here’s how you can check for updates manually:

  1. On your keyboard, press Win (the Windows logo key). At the bottom left corner of your screen, click the gear icon to open Settings.
  2. Scroll down and select Update & Security.
  3. Click Windows Update.
  4. Click Check for updates. Then wait for the process to complete. After that, restart your PC.

After installing all the system updates, do a restart and check if Radeon Software is working now.

If this doesn’t help you, take a look at the next fix.

Fix 2: Scan and repair your drivers

This issue could indicate that you’re using a buggy or outdated graphics driver. So if you don’t remember when was the last time you checked for driver updates, you should definitely do it now. The latest GPU driver usually overwrites the faulty settings and fixes most of the compatibility issues.

You can update your drivers manually, by visiting the AMD website, finding the latest correct installer and installing step by step. But if you’re not comfortable playing with device drivers, you can update your drivers automatically with Driver Easy. And its restore point feature will help you safely recover from buggy driver updates.

    and install Driver Easy.
  1. Run Driver Easy and click the Scan Now button. Driver Easy will then scan your computer and detect any problem drivers.
  2. Click Update All to automatically download and install the correct version of all the drivers that are missing or out of date on your system.
    (This requires the Pro version – you’ll be prompted to upgrade when you click Update All. If you don’t want to pay for the Pro version, you can still download and install all the drivers you need with the free version; you just have to download them one at a time, and manually install them, the normal Windows way.)

After updating your drivers, restart your PC and check if Radeon Software is working.

If the latest graphics driver doesn’t do the trick, you can try the next method. (Or you can use this tutorial to completely reinstall your GPU driver with DDU.)

Fix 3: Perform a clean boot

We all have different setups, so it’s possible that some programs or services on your PC are conflicting with Radeon Software. A clean boot disables background tasks that can interfere with your Radeon Software.

  1. On your keyboard, press Win+R (the Windows logo key and the r key) at the same time to invoke the Run box. Type or paste msconfig and click OK.
  2. In the pop-up window, navigate to the Services tab and check the box next to Hide all Microsoft services.
  3. Uncheck all the services EXCEPT those belong to your hardware manufacturers, such as Realtek, AMD, NVIDIA, Logitech and Intel. Then click OK to apply the changes.
  4. On your keyboard, press Ctrl, Shift and Esc at the same time to open Task Manager, then navigate to the Startup tab.
  5. One at a time, select any programs you suspect might be interfering, and click Disable.
  6. Restart your PC.

Now you can try to launch Radeon Software. If it’s working now, repeat the steps above and disable half of the services and programs to locate the trouble maker.

If this trick doesn’t give you luck, simply move on to the next fix.

Fix 4: Rebuild the Radeon profiles

Some users reported that instead of reinstalling the graphics driver, there’s another potential fix that could get Radeon Software working again. All you need to do is delete a file. You can try this and see how things go.

  1. On your keyboard, press Win+R (the Windows logo key and the R key) to open the Run box. Type or paste %localappdata%/AMD/CN and click OK.
  2. Delete a file named gmdb.blb. Then restart your PC and check if Radeon Software works now.
  3. If this doesn’t work for you, repeat the steps but delete the entire CN folder.

If this method doesn’t help your case, take a look at the next one below.

Fix 5: Check for corrupted system files

If none of the fixes above work for you, it could imply a critical system issue. But before trying the nuclear option of reinstalling Windows, you can use a professional tool to repair your system.

Fortect is a professional Windows repair tool that can scan your system’s overall status, diagnose your system configuration, identify faulty system files, and repair them automatically. It gives you entirely fresh system components with just one click, so you don’t have to reinstall Windows and all your programs.

    and install Fortect.
  1. Open Fortect. It will run a free scan of your PC and give you a detailed report of your PC status.
  2. Once finished, you’ll see a report showing all the issues. To fix all the issues automatically, click Start Repair (You’ll need to purchase the full version. It comes with a 60-day Money-Back Guarantee so you can refund anytime if Fortect doesn’t fix your problem).

Hopefully this post helps you fix the Radeon Software not opening issue. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to leave a comment down below.

Как зайти в настройки видеокарты AMD

как зайти в настройки видеокарты AMD

Открыть средство конфигурирования «красных» GPU можно несколькими способами:

  • Самый простой – воспользоваться контекстным меню «Рабочего стола»: щёлкните по нему правой кнопкой мыши (ПКМ) и выберите пункт «Настройки Radeon» / «AMD Catalyst Control Center». как зайти в настройки видеокарты AMD-1
  • Следующий метод – меню «Пуск»: откройте его, затем найдите папку с нужным приложением и вызовите. как зайти в настройки видеокарты AMD-2
  • Также можно воспользоваться системным треем – специальной областью в нижнем правом углу экрана, где находятся открытые фоновые приложения. Как правило, значок панели управления видеокартой выглядит следующим образом: как зайти в настройки видеокарты AMD-3

  • C:\Program Files\AMD\CNext\CCCSlim и C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD\CNext\CCCSlim – AMD Catalyst Control Center;
  • C:\Program Files\AMD\CNext\CNext – Настройки Radeon.

Что делать, если настройки Radeon не открываются

Если ни один из вышеприведённых шагов не решил задачу, предлагаем вам методы устранения этой проблемы. Первым делом стоит проверить, а установлены ли вообще драйвера для видеокарты – нередко причина именно в этом. Откройте «Диспетчер устройств», посредством уже упомянутой выше оснастки «Выполнить», только на этот раз нужная команда выглядит как devmgmt.msc .

как зайти в настройки видеокарты AMD-6

Далее раскройте категорию «Видеоадаптеры» и проверьте, как именно обозначено ваше устройство AMD. Если надпись гласит «Базовый видеодрайвер Microsoft», это значит, что ПО для GPU не установлено.

Если же видеокарта отображается как положено, но на значке присутствует жёлтый треугольник ошибки, кликните по ней ПКМ и выберите «Свойства».

как зайти в настройки видеокарты AMD-7

Проверьте блок «Состояние» – в нём указывается непосредственная ошибка и её код обозначения. О проблемах с драйверами говорят коды 2 и 10, и в таком случае следует либо установить нужный софт, либо переустановить начисто.

как зайти в настройки видеокарты AMD-8

Если же код ошибки указан как 43, это значит, что устройство неисправно, и все попытки инсталлировать драйвера ни к чему не приведут.

Также нельзя исключать и программные причины – например, активность вирусного ПО, которое повредило драйвер. Разумеется, проблему можно устранить удалением и повторной инсталляцией, но желательно убрать и её первопричину.

AMD Radeon Software Not Opening: Simple Steps To Solve the Problem

Featured AMD Radeon software not opening

Featured AMD Radeon software not opening

AMD Radeon software not opening is a problem that can negatively affect the performance of your AMD graphics card as you won’t be able to configure its settings.

AMD Radeon software not opening

This also means you won’t be able to utilize your PC at its maximum potential. There are many different reasons why AMD Radeon software won’t open.

We’ve spoken to our tech experts and will be sharing information regarding the causes and solutions to fixing AMD software not opening.

Why Won’t My Radeon Software Open?

There are three major reasons why AMD settings won’t open, including:

– Faulty Video Card Drivers

Faulty, broken, or corrupted drivers are the primary reasons why you may not be able to open AMD Radeon Settings. Without a good driver, the software won’t work well and may even affect your graphics hardware. Updating your driver to the latest version can help you fix this problem.

– Outdated Operating System

An outdated operating system is another major reason you may be experiencing AMD software not opening issues. Windows updates tend to come with different bugs and security fixes.

If your software version is higher than your operating system version, there’s bound to be problems such as AMD settings won’t open. Therefore, making sure your OS and software are updated can help you resolve the issue.

– Software Version and Driver Version Conflict

If your AMD Radeon settings software’s version doesn’t match the driver version installed on your PC, there’s bound to be a conflict between both. This conflict may cause the AMD software or driver to malfunction, which might be why your AMD software has stopped working. The conflict between software and driver versions can be resolved via a registry editor.

How To Fix it

Here are the solutions to try out when your AMD settings won’t open:

– Check for System and App Updates

Check for System and App Updates

Windows tends to update itself automatically. However, you may have deferred updates or set your network to a metered connection, which will temporarily stop you from receiving updates. Also, even if you’ve updated Windows, there may be a newer patch bundled with an optional Windows update that specifically targets this Radeon software problem.

Therefore, it’s recommended that you manually check for Windows update to see any updates for your OS or the app itself.

You can manually check for updates by following the steps below:

Checking for windows updates to fix radeon software not opening

  • Click on your start menu and select the gear icon at the bottom left corner to get to the settings
  • Alternatively, you can press the Windows key, and I button to access your computer’s settings
  • Once you’re in the settings window, scroll down to the bottom and choose Updates & Security
  • Select Windows Update and choose “Check for updates” on the far right corner of the screen
  • Wait for the system to search online for updates
  • If there are updates available, you’ll be notified to download them if you’re on a metered network
  • If you’re not on a metered network, your computer will automatically start downloading available updates
  • Wait for the download to be completed and installed
  • Restart your PC after installation
  • When your computer boots back up, repeat the steps until Windows tells you, “You’re up to date”
  • The reason for repeating the steps is that sometimes, Windows downloads and install updates in batches
  • After installing your update, restart your PC and check if the Radeon Software is now functional

– Check Your Drivers

AMD software not opening is often caused by an outdated, corrupt, or buggy graphics driver. If you haven’t been consistent with updating your drivers, you’re bound to face this issue. When you update your driver to the latest version, it’s likely to fix most compatibility problems while overwriting faulty settings.

Update your drivers by going to AMD’s official website to download the installer. Once you download the installer for the latest version, run it on your computer, and it will automatically download the latest drivers. Carry out a complete installation by following the prompts provided by the installation wizard.

If you’re unsure about how to download the right driver from AMD’s official website, follow the steps below:

  • Click on the search icon or bar beside your Start menu and search for device managerDevice manager in start menu
  • You can also right-click on your start menu and select device manager from the list of options
  • Once you’re in the device manager, locate the drivers associated with your software and graphics card
  • Double-click on the driver and select Update from the context menuUpdate software and graphics card driver
  • You’ll be prompted to choose between an automatic update and a manual update
  • Choose to allow the system to search online and perform an automatic updateSearch automatically for software and graphics card driver
  • Wait for your system to complete its search, download, and install the update
  • Restart your PC after installation and check if the issue has been resolved

– Carry Out a Clean Boot

Everyone’s setup is unique. Therefore, there’s a chance that the way your computer is set up may cause some services, processes, or programs to conflict with the Radeon Software. This conflict can lead to you experiencing AMD software has stopped working all the time.

Performing a clean boot will disable background tasks hindering your AMD settings software, allowing you to utilize the software with no issues.

Here are the steps to follow to carry out a clean boot:

  • Press the Windows key and R button at the same time to launch the Run dialog box
  • Type the command “msconfig” and press on enter or click OkMsconfig to carry out a clean boot
  • You’ll be directed to the System Configuration window after pressing enter
  • Select the “Services” tab on the System Configuration window
  • Check the box next to the “Hide all Microsoft services” optionHide all microsoft services to carry out a clean boot
  • Uncheck all remaining services except the ones that are related to your hardware manufacturers, such as AMD, Realtek, Intel, and more
  • Click on OK after unchecking the remaining services and exit the screen
  • On your desktop screen, press ctrl, shift, and ESC at the same time to launch the Task Manager
  • Once the Task Manager window is open, go to the Startup tab
  • Click on any program you feel might be affecting your Radeon software and select “Disable” from the list of options
  • Once you’re done, restart your PC
  • When your PC boots back up, open your AMD Radeon software to see if it works
  • If it does, repeat the steps outlined above but disable only half of the programs and services this time so you’ll be able to pinpoint the real app causing the problem
  • However, if it doesn’t work, try the solution below

– Rebuild Your Radeon Profiles

Some users have been able to open AMD Radeon settings by deleting a file from their Radeon profile.

All you have to do is:

  • Press the Windows key and R button simultaneously to launch the Run dialog box
  • Copy and paste the following command or simply type it into the dialog box “%localappdata%/AMD/CN and click on OK
  • Find a file named “gmdb.blb” and delete it
  • Restart your PC and check to see if you can open your Radeon settings software
  • If you can’t, repeat the steps above, but this time, delete the “CN folder”

– Change Your AMD Registry

If you’ve tried all of the solutions above and none of them seem to work, there may be a conflict between your driver version and your AMD Radeon version. This conflict is probably why your AMD Settings won’t open.

You’ll need to change an AMD registry to fix this problem. Note that this solution is technical, and a tiny error can brick your PC.

So make sure you follow this guide step by step:

  • Press the Windows key and R button simultaneously to launch the Run dialog box
  • Type the following command “regedit” and click on enterRegedit to change amd registry
  • You’ll be provided with your system’s registry window
  • Check the left panel and look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAMDCN
  • Select this key and look for an entry with the name DriverVersion
  • Right-click on DriverVersion and select edit from the menu
  • When you’re in the edit window, look for the Value Data section and change the value of the data there to zeroZero value of the data in driverversion
  • Click on apply after making the changes and exit the screen
  • Now press ctrl, ESC, and shift at the same time to launch the Task Manager tool
  • Look for all AMD processes, right-click on them, and select “End Task” for each processEnd task for amd processes
  • Make sure the processes are ended one after the other
  • Once you’re done, open your AMD Radeon settings software to see if it works

– Revert Your Driver To the Previous Version

Yes, an updated driver can help you fix the AMD Radeon software not opening problem. However, if you started experiencing the problem after updating your driver, the ideal option is to roll back to the previous driver.

Follow the steps below to revert your video card driver to its previous version:

  • Open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows key and R at the same time
  • Enter the command “devmgt.msc” and click on ok or press enter on your keyboardDevmgmt msc to revert driver to the previous version
  • You’ll be redirected to your computer’s device manager
  • In the device manager, check the right panel and expand the “Display Adapters” section
  • Look for your graphics driver and right-click on it, and select PropertiesProperties of a display adapter to revert your video card driver
  • Go to the “Driver” tab and check if the “Roll back” option is availableRoll back option on driver tab
  • If the option is available, click on it and follow the prompts to perform a successful roll back
  • Restart your PC after the rollback has been completed and try to open the software again
  • If the roll back option isn’t available, select Uninstall and follow the prompt to remove the driver from your PC
  • Once the uninstallation is complete, visit AMD’s website and go to the driver’s section
  • Scroll through the list of available drivers until you find the previous version that worked well on your computer
  • Right-click on the version you want and click on the download button
  • Once the setup app is downloaded, click on it and follow the prompt for a complete installation
  • Restart your PC and check if your AMD Radeon software works as it should.


That’s all about fixing the “Radeon software not opening” problem. Here are some points to keep in mind when your AMD software has stopped working, and you’re trying to resolve this issue:

  • Make sure your computer and drivers are up to date
  • If AMD settings won’t open after updating your drivers, uninstall the driver and roll back to the previous version
  • Changing the AMD registry is a technical task so make sure you follow the steps carefully
  • Performing a clean boot can help resolve the AMD software not opening problem
  • You can also try to rebuild your AMD profiles to see if the issue will be fixed

The “AMD software not opening” issue is detrimental to the performance and health of your graphics card, so you should alays make sure you update your OS and drivers. Also, make sure you are careful when changing the AMD registry, as even the tiniest mistake can cause your computer not to turn on again.

If you try all the recommended solutions and none work, you need to contact AMD and Windows support.

Запускать AMD Radeon Software вместе с Windows

AMD Radeon Software представляет собой драйвер и программное обеспечение, которое позволяет оптимизировать использование графического процессора AMD Radeon. Чтобы гарантировать наилучшие возможности и стабильную работу вашей видеокарты, рекомендуется настроить AMD Radeon Software для запуска вместе с операционной системой Windows. В этой статье мы рассмотрим простые шаги, которые помогут вам настроить автоматический запуск AMD Radeon Software.

Что нужно знать о запуске AMD Radeon Software с Windows

AMD Radeon Software можно настроить для автоматического запуска при загрузке операционной системы Windows. Это позволяет видеокарте быть готовой к работе с самого начала, и вам не придется запускать программу вручную после каждой перезагрузки компьютера.

Шаги по настройке автоматического запуска AMD Radeon Software

Первым шагом является открытие программы AMD Radeon Software. Для этого щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на панели задач и выберите "AMD Radeon Software". Если иконка отсутствует, вы можете найти приложение в меню "Пуск" или в поиске операционной системы.

После открытия программы AMD Radeon Software, перейдите в раздел "Параметры". Вы можете найти его в верхнем правом углу окна программы.

В разделе "Параметры" найдите вкладку "Общее". Нажмите на нее, чтобы открыть дополнительные параметры.

В дополнительных параметрах вам нужно будет найти опцию "Запускать AMD Radeon Software при загрузке системы". Убедитесь, что эта опция включена, поставив галочку в соответствующем поле.

После настройки автоматического запуска AMD Radeon Software, закройте программу и перезагрузите компьютер. При следующей загрузке операционной системы Windows AMD Radeon Software будет запускаться автоматически.

Польза от настройки автоматического запуска AMD Radeon Software

Настройка автоматического запуска AMD Radeon Software имеет несколько преимуществ:

Готовность к работе: AMD Radeon Software будет готова к использованию с самого начала, что значительно сокращает время, необходимое для подготовки видеокарты к работе.

Удобство: вам не придется искать и запускать программу вручную после каждой перезагрузки. AMD Radeon Software будет запускаться автоматически, предоставляя вам простой и удобный доступ к настройкам видеокарты.

Обновления драйвера: при наличии автоматического запуска AMD Radeon Software вы будете получать уведомления о доступных обновлениях драйверов, что поможет вам поддерживать вашу видеокарту в актуальном состоянии.

В заключение, запуск AMD Radeon Software вместе с операционной системой Windows является хорошей практикой для оптимизации вашей видеокарты и обеспечения стабильной работы вашего компьютера. Следуя вышеуказанным шагам, вы сможете легко настроить автоматический запуск AMD Radeon Software и насладиться всеми возможностями, которые она предоставляет.

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