How To Check In Game Ping In Blade and Soul (In 10 Steps)
Blade & Soul is one of the most popular games available right now. It takes the classic format of Korean martial arts massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). It gives it a modern twist, all the while giving players an experience that is captivating and unique.
Because it is an online game, monitoring Blade and Soul Ping is something that is often required, and we have gone through a variety of factors that contribute to this problem as well as potential remedies. However, it is not the central argument of this paper.
Blade And Soul How To Check Ping In Game
How to check the ping in Blade and Soul is one of the most often asked issues by users. Since there aren’t any trustworthy ping measurement tools accessible, many players have been looking for a method to check their ping in Blade & Soul, but there aren’t many options for doing so.
Since Blade and Soul do not include a built-in ping counter, we have come up with a few solutions and identified some techniques on how to check the ping in Blade and Soul, so you should be able to use these alternatives to check the ping in Blade and Soul.
Discovering how to check your ping in Blade & Soul may be done in a number of different ways depending on your playstyle. The Windows Application Programming Interface (API) has a solution; however, it requires considerable investigation to find it.
How to check Blade and Soul ping? A full guide on checking ping [2022]
But before exploring how to check your ping in Blade and Soul, it’s good to learn some basic things about this game and good ping for it, right?
Well, let’s do it right now!
How to check Blade and Soul ping?
Blade and Soul, what type of game is it?
Blade and Soul (Blade & Soul or BnS) is a 3D fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG).
It comes with real-time combat taking place in a martial arts setting.
The game is created by NCSoft, which is also the developer of Lineage II.
The Blade and Soul game has attractive character designs and beautiful landscapes.
Other pros of the game include a well-paced storyline; fluid, action-oriented gameplay; and a simple, intuitive interface, according to
Is ping important for gaming Blade and Soul?
In an online gaming context, ping rate or latency measures how long it takes for packets of data to move from your gaming device to a game server.
It’ll in turn send back a response.
In other words, it’s a measurement of the reaction time of an internet connection.
In addition, ping is measured in ms (milliseconds).
The higher the ping time or latency, the more time it will take for communication between the player and the game server.
Ping is vital in online gaming
Ping is so important for online gaming.
High ping can result in lag and severely affect your gaming experiences.
That’s why low ping is always desired in online gaming and any other activities that require a fast reaction.
Since Blade and Soul is also an online game, ping does matter to it, just like many other games.
Without a good ping, your experiences when gaming Blade and Soul will be affected significantly.
Lower pings mean less lag and fewer server glitches.
Try to get low ping as possible
How to check Blade and Soul ping?
First, we need to find out what a good Blade and Soul ping is.
Ping speed of less than 100ms is considered okay for MMORPGs.
As previously mentioned, the lower, the better when it comes to ping for gaming.
Thus, try to aim for the lowest possible ms number so that you will have smoother gameplay, with fewer lags and errors.
How to know what your current ping is while playing the game?
There are 2 easy ways to do that!
Well, while in combat:
Ping ms is displayed as a tiny number at the top left corner of the screen (right next to the FPS counter when it’s visible).
BnS ping is shown in-game
In this picture, you can see that the ping is 151 ms, which is quite high.
Note that the ping counter only shows up when in combat.
That’s how to check ping in Blade and Soul.
Use Task Manager
However, in case your Blade and Soul ping doesn’t appear for an unknown reason, you can still check it with Task Manager.
Follow our instructions:
Step 1: Start Task Manager may be opened by right-clicking anywhere on the Taskbar.
Step 2: At the bottom of the window, under the performance tab, click Resource Monitor.
Step 3: You may get a list of the programs presently using your network connection by choosing the Network tab in the resource monitor window.
Step 4: There, look for your game’s executable, which for Blade and Soul should be Client.exe.
The list of connections made by the application is available in the bottom portion of the screen once you tick the box to the left of the executable file.
The latency for the connection should be shown on the right side of the window.
Blade and soul как проверить пинг
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How to show ping and fps on screen
Sometimes I experience a short «hop» between animations that could be because of latency or just that animation, My PC specs are more tan capable to move the game grafics but I would like to have the options to visualice this information so I can adapt the settings or sigh at my slow network
EDIT: I have searched in the options menú and haven’t spoted anything similar. like in WoW, Guild Wars 2 or league of legends
4 Answers 4
The game engine is simply not intended for MMORPG. In a type of bad optimization this game will not work smoothly even at the most powerful PC. And, alas, developers don’t plan to change anything in the kernel of the engine.
To display ‘FPS’ on the screen, you should check checkbox in settings. First tab, show FPS item. The ‘Ping’ display on the screen at the moment (3/18/2016) is only announced on the Korean server, and it is unknown when this feature is put into game. Up to this point you can use the free utility called PGUI which was written by the fan of game. You can find her here.