Thread multiplier for p2 что это
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Thread multiplier for p2 что это

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Multi-threaded pipelined Chia k32 plotter

This is a new implementation of a chia plotter which is designed as a processing pipeline, similar to how GPUs work, only the “cores” are normal software CPU threads. As a result this plotter is able to fully max out any storage device’s bandwidth, simply by increasing the number of “cores”, ie. threads.

Dowload last release v0.1.6-chives

Join Chives Pool — Chives coin (XCC) pool with NFT plots support


Your donation will help me build new versions:
XCH: xch1vhfnguq36yya0kzc0a0wr9yyj5cm2cefsukcu45jef3x3zpjpa7qc888nm
BTC: 17w2HvVdHnkACZnATMqZov5LJkx2EFUFdz
ETH: 0x0dd101c83341e0c43cc95514ca731092b14dea8b
LTC: LViokiXWfyjD4M9LErhGmdt3uzDvmVo3pC
DOGE: DRqJFr9ityNoL7v6oSnsZq2mh3VJBZm8pY

Build based on madMAx43v3r source code, check his github.
He is a legend!

Support or Contact

chia-plotter is maintained by stotiks. This page was generated by GitHub Pages.


This document is a comprehensive listing of CLI commands for creating plots from within Chia.


chiapos ​

Functionality: Use the chiapos plotter

Usage: chia plotters chiapos [OPTIONS]

Short Command Long Command Type Required Description
-t —tmp_dir TEXT True Temporary directory 1 (where most of the plots temp data will be stored)
-2 —tmp_dir2 TEXT False Temporary directory 2 [Default: same as tmp_dir ]
-k —size INTEGER False K value [Default: 32]
-m —memo TEXT False Memo variable
-i —id TEXT False Plot ID [Default: generate a random ID]
-b —buffer INTEGER False Size of the buffer, in MB [Default: 4608]
-u —buckets INTEGER False Number of buckets [Default: 64]
-s —stripes INTEGER False Stripe size [Default: 65536]
-r —threads INTEGER False Num threads [Default: 2]
-e —nobitfield None False Disable bitfield [Default: bitfield is enabled]
—override-k None False Force size smaller than 32 (only needed where -k is less than 32 [Default: disabled]
-a —alt_fingerprint INTEGER False Enter the alternative fingerprint of the key you want to use
-c —contract TEXT False Pool Contract Address (64 chars) [Default: none]
-f —farmerkey TEXT False Farmer Public Key (48 bytes) [Default: use the key from the current wallet]
-p —pool-key TEXT False Pool Public Key (48 bytes) [Default: use the key from the current wallet (self-pooling)]
-n —count INTEGER False Number of plots to create [Default: 1]
-x —exclude_final_dir None False Skips adding [final dir] to harvester for farming [Default: copy to final dir is enabled]
-d —final_dir TEXT True Final directory after plot has been created
—compress INTEGER False Compression level [Default: 0 (not compressed)]
-h —help None False Show a help message and exit

madmax ​

Functionality: Use the madMAx plotter

Usage: chia plotters madmax [OPTIONS]

Short Command Long Command Type Required Description
-k —size INTEGER False K value [Default: 32]
-n —count INTEGER False Number of plots to create [Default: 1]
-r —threads INTEGER False Num threads [Default: 4]
-u —buckets INTEGER False Number of buckets [Default: 256]
-v —buckets3 INTEGER False Number of buckets for phases 3 and 4 [Default: 256]
-t —tmp_dir TEXT True Temporary directory 1 (where most of the plots temp data will be stored)
-2 —tmp_dir2 TEXT False Temporary directory 2 [Default: same as tmp_dir ]
-w —waitforcopy None False Wait for the plot to finish copying before starting the next plot [Default: don't wait]
-p —pool-key TEXT False Pool Public Key (48 bytes) [Default: use the key from the current wallet (self-pooling)]
-f —farmerkey TEXT False Farmer Public Key (48 bytes) [Default: use the key from the current wallet]
-c —contract TEXT False Pool Contract Address (64 chars) [Default: none]
-G —tmptoggle None False Alternate tmpdir/tmpdir2 [Default: disabled]
-K —rmulti2 INTEGER False Thread multiplier for P2 [Default: 1]
-d —final_dir TEXT True Final directory after plot has been created
-h —help None False Show a help message and exit

bladebit ​

Functionality: Use one of the BladeBit plotters

Usage: chia plotters bladebit [cudaplot | ramplot | diskplot][OPTIONS]

cudaplot ​

Functionality: Use the BladeBit CUDA plotter

Usage: chia plotters bladebit cudaplot [OPTIONS]

Short Command Long Command Type Required Description
-r —threads INTEGER False Num threads [Default: 12]
-n —count INTEGER False Number of plots to create [Default: 1]
-f —farmerkey TEXT False Farmer Public Key (48 bytes) [Default: use the key from the current wallet]
-p —pool-key TEXT False Pool Public Key (48 bytes) [Default: use the key from the current wallet (self-pooling)]
-c —contract TEXT False Pool Contract Address (64 chars) [Default: none]
-t —tmp_dir TEXT False Temporary directory 1 (where most of the plot's temp data will be stored) [Default: in memory]
-2 —tmp_dir2 TEXT False Temporary directory 2 [Default: same as tmp_dir ]
-i —id TEXT False Plot ID [Default: generate a random ID]
-w —warmstart None False Set to enable warm start [Default: disabled]
—nonuma None False Set to disable numa [Default: enabled]
—no-cpu-affinity None False Set to disable assigning automatic thread affinity [Default: enabled]
-v —verbose None False Set to enable verbose output [Default: disabled]
-d —final_dir TEXT True Final directory after plot has been created
—compress INTEGER False Compression level, 0-9 are accepted [Default: 1]
—device INTEGER False The CUDA device index (typically 0 or 1), set if more than one GPU is installed [Default: 0]
—no-direct-downloads None False Set to disable allocation of host tables using pinned buffers [Default: enabled]
-h —help None False Show a help message and exit

ramplot ​

Functionality: Use the BladeBit RAM plotter

Usage: chia plotters bladebit ramplot [OPTIONS]

Short Command Long Command Type Required Description
-r —threads INTEGER False Num threads [Default: 12]
-n —count INTEGER False Number of plots to create [Default: 1]
-f —farmerkey TEXT False Farmer Public Key (48 bytes) [Default: use the key from the current wallet]
-p —pool-key TEXT False Pool Public Key (48 bytes) [Default: use the key from the current wallet (self-pooling)]
-c —contract TEXT False Pool Contract Address (64 chars) [Default: none]
-i —id TEXT False Plot ID [Default: generate a random ID]
-w —warmstart None False Set to enable warm start [Default: disabled]
—nonuma None False Set to disable numa [Default: enabled]
—no-cpu-affinity None False Set to disable assigning automatic thread affinity [Default: enabled]
-v —verbose None False Set to enable verbose output [Default: disabled]
-d —final_dir TEXT True Final directory after plot has been created
—compress INTEGER False Compression level, 0-9 are accepted [Default: 1]
-h —help None False Show a help message and exit

diskplot ​

Functionality: Use the BladeBit disk plotter

Usage: chia plotters bladebit diskplot [OPTIONS]

Short Command Long Command Type Required Description
-r —threads INTEGER False Num threads [Default: 12]
-n —count INTEGER False Number of plots to create [Default: 1]
-f —farmerkey TEXT False Farmer Public Key (48 bytes) [Default: use the key from the current wallet]
-p —pool-key TEXT False Pool Public Key (48 bytes) [Default: use the key from the current wallet (self-pooling)]
-c —contract TEXT False Pool Contract Address (64 chars) [Default: none]
-i —id TEXT False Plot ID [Default: generate a random ID]
-w —warmstart None False Set to enable warm start [Default: disabled]
—nonuma None False Set to disable numa [Default: enabled]
-v —verbose None False Set to enable verbose output [Default: disabled]
-d —final_dir TEXT True Final directory after plot has been created
—no-cpu-affinity None False Set to disable assigning automatic thread affinity [Default: enabled]
—cache INTEGER False Size of cache to reserve for I/O
—f1-threads INTEGER False Override the default thread count (12) for F1 generation
—fp-threads INTEGER False Override the default thread count (12) for forward propagation
—c-threads INTEGER False Override the default thread count (12) for C table processing
—p2-threads INTEGER False Override the default thread count (12) for Phase 2
—p3-threads INTEGER False Override the default thread count (12) for Phase 3
—alternate None False Set to halve the temp2 cache size requirements by alternating bucket writing methods between tables
-t —tmp_dir TEXT True Temporary directory 1 (where most of the plot's temp data will be stored)
-2 —tmp_dir2 TEXT False Temporary directory 2 [Default: same as tmp_dir ]
-u —buckets INTEGER False Number of buckets [Default: 256]
-m —memo TEXT False Memo variable
—no-t1-direct None False Set to disable direct I/O on the temp 1 directory
—no-t2-direct None False Set to disable direct I/O on the temp 2 directory
—compress INTEGER False Compression level, 0-9 are accepted [Default: 1]
-h —help None False Show a help message and exit

simulate ​

Functionality: Determine your farm's maximum capacity; this command is only avaible with the standalone version of BladeBit.

MadMax-Plotter — Linux guide

Switch to the user and cwd into the correct home directory:

$ sudo su plotter $ cd $ git clone -b pool-puzzles

The output should look like this:

Cloning into ‘chia-plotter’.
remote: Enumerating objects: 2092, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (946/946), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (408/408), done.
remote: Total 2092 (delta 697), reused 612 (delta 537), pack-reused 1146
Receiving objects: 100% (2092/2092), 786.22 KiB | 4.23 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1196/1196), done.

Enter the directory and execute some necessary commands to install requirements and compile the tool:

$ git submodule update —init
Submodule ‘lib/BLAKE3’ ( registered for path ‘lib/BLAKE3’
Submodule ‘lib/bls-signatures’ ( registered for path ‘lib/bls-signatures’
Submodule ‘lib/libbech32’ ( registered for path ‘lib/libbech32’
Cloning into ‘/home/plotter/chia-plotter/lib/BLAKE3’.
Cloning into ‘/home/plotter/chia-plotter/lib/bls-signatures’.
Cloning into ‘/home/plotter/chia-plotter/lib/libbech32’.
Submodule path ‘lib/BLAKE3’: checked out ‘037de38bfec4e813ab6189a50cb7c4cbae47268a’
Submodule path ‘lib/bls-signatures’: checked out ‘d9e42922e4a21fe8fc50733b93c16f582022621f’
Submodule path ‘lib/libbech32’: checked out ‘954b14fe81602dde0cf5cb6d45208403160fb76c’
$ ./

This command will produce a lot of output while compiling. In the end, you should get a message indicating the compile was successful:

[. ]
[ 99%] Built target bls
[100%] Built target chia_plot

Try to call the program and get the usage help information:

$ ./build/chia_plot —help

If you can see the following line in the output, you have successfully built the chia-plotter version compatible with pool plots:

-c, —contract arg Pool Contract Address (64 chars)

  • Getting your keys and jumping in the pool

$ chia plotnft create -s local

It can take a little while until the transaction is confirmed. Once it is, execute:

$ chia plotnft show

Find the P2 singletom address (pool contract address) and save it for later — it should look something like this:

P2 singleton address (pool contract address for plotting): xch1[. ]err

The other required key is the «Farmer public key». Execute the following statement to get it:

$ chia keys show

Note the Farmer public key and save it for later. Ignore the «Pool public key»! «It is not the droid you’re looking for.»

  • Time to PLOT!

You can create a RAMdisk by using:

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/ramdisk $ sudo mount -t tmpfs -o rw,size=110G tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk

This is only temporary, so if you want the RAMdisk to be available after reboots, you have to modify your /etc/fstab file and add the lines.

Note: The RAMdisk is absolutely optional! But having two temp directories is not. While they can be on the same device, it is strongly recommended to use two different devices on a fast controller with high I/O available.

$ cd /home/plotter/chia-plotter/build $ ./chia_plot -n 1 -r 16 —tmpdir /mnt/temp1/ —tmpdir2 /mnt/temp2/ —finaldir /mnt/final/farm/ -c xch1[. ]err -f b9012[. ]649b

The plotting should be in progress now. Depending on your setup, this may take from 30 minutes to several hours or even longer (when plotting on HDDs). Be patient until the process is done and the plot has been moved to it’s final destination.

  • -n, —count arg — Number of plots to create (default = 1, -1 = infinite)
  • -r, —threads arg — Number of CPU threads, please keep in mind, that Windows also requires some threads! (default = 4)
  • -t, —tmpdir arg — Temporary directory (recommended to use a directory on the SSD) minimum required free space:

Подскажите плз, в чиа mad maxplotter настройка Thread Multiplier for

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Какие есть? OG когда-то были. Так вот не они.

кстати, на какой бирже лучше торговать чиа? Где наименьшая комса на вывод?

Есть простой способ поставить ноду на диск D??

Привет. Ктото пытался делать плоттинг Блейбит РАМ плот? Появилась возможность попробовать а он висит на нуле уже час. В логах только начальный конфиг, никаких действий как буд.

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